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Original Research Article

Year: 2014 | Month: October | Volume: 1 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 1-7

Investigations on Relationship between Awareness about Environmental Education and Academic Achievement of the B.Ed. Trainees in Tamilnadu.

R. Anandarasu

Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Tamil University, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India.


The present study aims to measure that the relationship between awareness about Environmental education and Academic achievement of the B.Ed. trainees in relation to their certain selected variables carried by the investigator. The investigator develop the tool about Environmental education consists of 75 multiple-choice items. The content validity was well established by the investigator with the help of a group of experts in the field. The investigator used Guttman split-half technique for establishing reliability of the awareness tool.  The study proves that there is a significant low positive correlation between awareness and academic achievement of B.Ed. trainees.    This may due to the fact that the level of awareness depends largely on the academic achievement of the trainees. The study reveals that there is significant low positive correlation between awareness and academic achievement of the male and female trainees, urban and rural trainees, government college trainees and trainees who are not studying environmental education.

Key words: Investigation, awareness, academic achievement, Environmental education, B.Ed trainees.

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