International Journal of Research and Review

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Research Paper

Year: 2022 | Month: July | Volume: 9 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 519-525

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20220756

Google Sites as Learning Media in the Material Development of Advanced Reading Comprehension

Riza Harani Bangun1, Jubliana Sitompul1, Hesti Fibriasari1

1Postgraduate Department of French Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Jubliana Sitompul


This paper aims to determine the process, the effectiveness and feasibility of the advanced reading comprehension learning material based on Google Sites to improve student’s ability to understand the text. In accordance with the results of the needs analysis, students need a new material. So, it is developed according to their needs. In addition, Google Sites is accessible online and can be run on a computer, laptop or tablet. This development uses the approach of ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation). The result of the evaluation shows that: the validation of the material and media has the average score of 93%, in addition, the average score of students in the pre-test is 55 and post-test is 78. This means that there is a significant increase in students' skills and it is worth using. This is proven by the normality test which shows that the data is normally distributed. The pre-test data has the value of Sig. 0.686 and the post-test data have the sig value. 0.054, according to the basis of decision-making in Shapiro wilk normality test, if the value is sig. > 0.05, it is mentioned that there is a difference between before and after using learning media. Therefore, advanced reading comprehension learning material using Google Sites meets the aspects of feasibility and efficiency and this site can improve the skills of students in Advanced Reading Comprehension course.

Keywords: Media, google sites, advanced reading comprehension.

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