International Journal of Research and Review

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Research Paper

Year: 2022 | Month: December | Volume: 9 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 146-150

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20221215

Multimedia as the Effective Tool for Teaching Local Wisdom to the Literature Students

Vera Kristiana1, Yayuk Yuliana2

1,2Prodi Sastra Inggris, Prodi Manajemen Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah, Medan, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Vera Kristiana


This study examines the values ​​of local wisdom in multimedia-based learning of Cross Culture Understanding courses. Cross culture understanding is a course taught in the English Literature study program, where in the Cross Culture Understanding course students learn an understanding, namely an understanding of cultural differences and how to appreciate the differences that occur in their lives. This course is related to the mastery of knowledge of local wisdom, especially the values ​​contained in it, including social, economic, and educational values ​​of a culture. During the industrial revolution 4.0 and also the new normal period of the current covid-19 pandemic, all learning is still recommended not to meet face to face as an effort to prevent the transmission of covid-19. Various learning media are needed in the delivery of material, especially in this case material about culture and local wisdom which will be more interesting if you use several media in its presentation. Multimedia and technology play a very important role in changing the way of teaching and learning so that it becomes more innovative and multimedia itself is a combination of several media such as: text, graphics, audio or sound, and video that are in one software model to explain or describe a learning material. . Multimedia in the teaching and learning process aims to assist lecturers in explaining material that is difficult for students to understand. The use of multimedia technology can generate student learning motivation and make learning more interesting even though it is carried out online. The output of this research is in the form of scientific articles published in international journals and national proceedings.

Keywords: Local Wisdom, Cross Culture Understanding, Multimedia

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