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Case Study

Year: 2021 | Month: January | Volume: 8 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 515-530

Strategy of the Head of Department of Education in Improving the Performance of an Inspector of Primary Schools in North Sumatra (Case Study at the Department of Education of the City of Binjai and Langkat)

Sri Rahayu1, Engkus Kuswarno2, Hanafiah3, Deti Rostini4

1Student of the Doctoral Graduate of the University of Islam Nusantara Bandung
2,3,4Lecturer of Doctoral Graduate of the University of Islam Nusantara Bandung

Corresponding Author: Sri Rahayu


The superintendent of schools as the educators has a very strategic role in the process and outcome of quality education. However, there are still problems in the field related to the duties of trustees among others: the trustees much less able to provide solutions to the problems faced by teachers, there are still many supervisors who have excessive workloads, there are Still found many school superintendents who are lazy to carry out their work so that the school superintendent was almost removed. Because of this need for a strategy from the Head of the Department of Education to improve the performance of the inspector of primary Schools in the province of North Sumatra. The purpose of this study is to determine: (1) planning performance coaching supervisor, (2) the implementation of performance coaching supervisor, (3) assessment of the coaching supervisors, (4) barriers to performance coaching supervisor, (5) a solution to overcome the performance barriers of trustees. The method used is qualitative research by taking the data from the source study of the Head of the Department of Education, Pengawas Sekolah Basis, Kepala Sekolah and Teachers. Data collection techniques used in this dissertation research are: Observation, interview, documentation study. The instruments used observation sheet and interview guide. Method of data analysis is descriptive. Based on the results of the research can be concluded that (1) the planning performance coaching supervisor, planning is done by studying the requirements of the superintendent of schools basic melaluiperencanaan rational and implementation of the guidance to the inspector of primary schools with the involvement of stakeholders (2) coaching techniques the performance of the superintendent of Schools the Basis of which implemented is a coaching strategy that is implemented is through the activities of the Working Group the Superintendent of Schools, trainings and seminars. This is carried out in an attempt to improve the performance of the superintendent. (3) evaluation of the coaching supervisors, can not be implemented in accordance with the program that has been set. Peningkatankinerjapengawaslebihbanyakdiperolehmelalui validation peer. (4) the factors that hinder the performance of supervisors, among others: the number of workload of supervisors and the vastness of the region, the lack of competence of the supervisors in terms of it, the lack of the number of trustees, qualifications of trustees the kurangsesuai, kurangnyasarana and infrastructure, and funds. (5) the Solution in overcoming the obstacles of the performance of the supervisor are: to optimize the activities of the MGMP, to involve in the activities of workshop/training, increase the number of supervisors, the recruitment of trustees which is selective, providing adequate facilities and infrastructure, enter budget supervisor in the DIPA.

Keywords: Head of Department Of Education, Supervisory Performance, Education Quality.

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