International Journal of Research and Review

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Case Study

Year: 2021 | Month: November | Volume: 8 | Issue: 11 | Pages: 325-331

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20211140

Study of Potential Classification of Lost Students in College Based on Information Extraction on Text-Based Social Media; Case Study of Panca Budi Pembangunan University

Eko Hariyanto1, Sri Wahyuni2, Supina Batubara3

1,2,3Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Panca Budi Pembangunan, Medan, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Eko Hariyanto


The main problem studied in this study is the large number of lost students who harm universities because of the difficulty of monitoring or monitoring as a preventive measure. Therefore, this research becomes very important to be done so that college institutions can make efforts to detect early (classification) of students who potentially cannot complete their studies on time or students who will drop out (DO). Thus, PT institutions through related parties such as academic guidance lecturers, academic bureaus and others can do initial prevention by providing the best solution or solution to the problems faced by students. This research aims to determine the training data model consisting of academic and non-academic factors (including the results of extracting information from social media). Furthermore, this model is used as a basis for classifying students who have the potential to "graduate on time", "graduate not on time", and "DO". The method approach used is quantitative with text mining computational algorithms for the process of extracting knowledge / information from social media which is further used in data training, as well as data mining computational algorithms for the process of classification of potential completion of student studies. The mandatory external targeted in the first year is the publication of the international journal Scopus Q4 and in the second year is the publication of the international journal Scopus Q3. For additional external targets in the first and second years respectively are the publication of international journals indexed on reputable indexers, ISBN teaching books and copyrights. The level of technological readiness (TKT) in this study up to level 2 is the formulation of technological concepts and applications to classify the potential completion of student studies using data mining.

Keywords: [student lost, knowledge/information extraction, data classification, text mining, data mining].

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