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Research Paper

Year: 2020 | Month: September | Volume: 7 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 152-155

Training of Paper Recycling Art Skills as a Learning Medium at the Same Time to Create Creativity for Children in Justice Workshops SMH Medan Sunggal

Rita Nofianti

Lecturer at Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program, Islamic and Humanities Faculty Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi, Medan, Indonesia, 20122


Creativity is an important part that cannot be separated from education. Creativity in the work can be used as the basis of one's success especially for the children of Justice Workshops SMH Medan Sunggal. Therefore increased creativity needs to be given early on. The skills and creativity of the participants need to be grown, improved and built, need to be motivated to train themselves, therefore the right method is needed. The method used in encouraging children's creativity is training. In addition to training and growing skills, training methods also require children. Skill training to foster creativity requires quite serious work but needs to be relaxed and considered entertainment or intercession to dampen daily saturation. The problem is to increase creativity, skills and to increase knowledge wawasn for children aged 7-10 who are in Justice Workshops SMH Medan Sunggal. In this case as well as providing design knowledge so that it can process paper into a learning medium. To answer the problems that have been seen by observing the Sanggar, given the training of Paper Recycling Arts Skills as a Learning Medium to Create Creativity for Children in SMH Justice Sanggar Medan Sunggal.

Keywords: Paper Recycling Art, Creativity For Children

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