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Research Paper

Year: 2020 | Month: September | Volume: 7 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 148-151

Parental Understanding to Overcome Tantrums In Early Childhood In Ummul Habibah Kindergarten Kelambir Village V Medan


Lecturer at Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program, Islamic and Humanities Faculty Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi, Medan, Indonesia, 20122


Tempering tantrum is behavior in the form of overflow that can be physical (hit, bite, encourage), or verbal (crying, screaming, whining) or continuously sulking who can hurt themselves or others. Generally tantrum is a natural behavior that occurs in children because it is a phase of the physical, cognitive, and emotional development of children. On the other hand, tantrum can also be a problem of its own when it comes with frequency, intensity, and in a time relative to more than the one that usually happens to the child. As a parent should know what is tantrum and how the attitude that parents should do to handle or reduce the behavior of the tantrum. Not very few parents ignore the behavior of tantrum children especially in early childhood. In the present time many parents give gadgets to stop the tantrum children and not very few who fulfill the willingness of the child of his son should shout to have something. The purpose of this devotion is to increase parents ' understanding of tantrum children at an early age and how to overcome it. Based on the above, it is necessary to do activities to overcome the problem through devotion about understanding parents to overcome tantrum in early childhood in TK Ummul Habibah Desa Kelambir V Medan.

Keywords: Tantrums, Parents, Early Childhood Education

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