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Research Paper

Year: 2020 | Month: March | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 253-261

Analysis of the Effect of the Length of Drug Delivery Time on Patient Satisfaction in RSU Royal Prima Medan In 2018

Fitriyani Putri1, Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution2, Tan Suyono2, Ermi Girsang2

1Postgraduate Students, 2Postgraduate Lecturer,
Department Magister of Public Health, Faculty of Medicines at University Prima Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Ermi Girsang [Email: ermigirsang@unprimdn.ac.id]


Pharmacy services at the Hospital Pharmacy Installation are one of the service units that must be provided by the hospital. There are several indicators that must be met by the Hospital Pharmacy Installation, one of which is satisfaction and waiting time for drug delivery services, which are considered to affect the patient's expectations of hospital services. This study aims to determine the analysis of the length of time the drug was handed over to patient satisfaction at Royal Prima Medan Hospital, with a method of qualitative and quantitative approach (mixed methodology). This study was conducted at IFRS Royal Prima Medan Hospital, with a population of 6,842 patients and the sample in this study were patients who prescribed their medication to enter the pharmaceutical installation on Monday to Saturday which were taken using simple random sampling of 96 respondents. The results showed that the length of the waiting time for drug delivery with patient satisfaction p value (0.386), the standard implementation value of drug delivery time with patient satisfaction p value (0,000), the value of drug availability in IFRS with patient satisfaction p value (0.234), type value guarantor of patients p value (0.837). It is suggested for IFRS to improve the quality of services that are more optimal in order to achieve maximum patient satisfaction values.

Keywords: Patient Satisfaction, Waiting Time, Quality of IFRS Services

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