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Research Paper

Year: 2019 | Month: September | Volume: 6 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 244-263

The Role of Village Consultant Agency (BPD) In Increasing Youth Participation of Rural Development in Rural Huta Bayu Raja District Simalungun Regency

Latif Anas Al Ansyari Lubis1, Suwardi Lubis2, Robinson Tarigan2

1Postgraduate students at University of North Sumatra, Indonesia
2Postgraduate Lecturer at University of North Sumatra, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Latif Anas Al Ansyari Lubis


Good development will take place if it starts with good planning, so that it can be carried out by all development actors and meet the needs of the community. For this reason, the planning process requires the involvement of the community including youth through public consultations or the Development Planning Conference (Musrenbang). The musrenbang process basically records the aspirations and needs of the community formulated through discussion at the village / kelurahan level, because only with the participation of the recipient community, the results of the development will be in accordance with the aspirations and needs of the community itself. The study was conducted in the Huta Bayu Subdistrict of Simalungun Regency on "The Role of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in Increasing Youth Participation in Rural Development in the Huta Bayu Raja District of Simalungun Regency". The analytical method used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis and descriptive analysis with a sample of 98 respondents from 4,458 people in the population. Sampling of respondents was based on probability sampling. From the results of the study it was found that the factors that influence Youth participation in rural development, namely education and understanding simultaneously have a significant effect. Partially education and understanding variables have a positive and significant effect on youth participation, while employment and regulation variables have a positive but not significant effect on youth participation. The role variable of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) of the Village, which includes social and economics, assesses the results of the program simultaneously and has a positive and significant effect on village development. Partially social and economic variables have a positive and significant effect on village development.

Key words: The Role of the Village Consultative Body (BPD), Youth Participation

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