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Short Communication

Year: 2019 | Month: August | Volume: 6 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 500-504

School Accreditation: An Initiative towards Quality Education

Dr. Kapila Khemundu

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Central University of Odisha, Near NAD, District Koraput, Sunabeda-763004


School accreditation is relatively new term in India intended to improve the quality in school education. There are many schools which were established to impart education with improper planning and without looking into the suitable location, physical environment, playground, supply of drinking water, toilets, boundary, etc. Progress of the nation depends on how we able to impart quality education to young children who will become the architect of our nation building. It is believed that school accreditation will ameliorate some of the educational related problems.

Key words: School, Accreditation, Quality, Education

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