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Research Paper

Year: 2019 | Month: April | Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 207-228

The Role of Political Education of the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI) In Improving Youth Participation in the Medan City

Barry Hardian Harahap1, Robert Sibarani2, Rujiman2

1Postgraduate Students at University of North Sumatra, Indonesia
2Postgraduate Lecturer at University of North Sumatra, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Barry Hardian Harahap


Political education can be interpreted as a conscious effort to change the process of social socialization of society, so that they understand and live the true values contained in an ideal political system. The success of political education is determined by a clear perspective through two dimensions, a clear picture of the desired ideal political system as well as the actual state of society itself directly. The real political objective is to represent the leaders of the State who can welfare the people. But in fact the world of politics shows more frauds that make political life impressed dilapidated and politics more miserable people seen from some cases of political game that occurred in this country. Therefore it is necessary to improve the political system in Indonesia by preparing the cadres of the nation as the holder of power later. The study was conducted in Medan City on "The Role of Political Education of Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI) in Increasing Youth Active Participation in Medan City". The method of analysis used in this research is qualitative research analysis conducted interactively and lasted continuously until complete, so the data is sufficient with the number of respondents 16 respondents. Sampling of respondents based on probability sampling. From the result of the research, it is found that Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI) of Medan City has given role to political education in Medan City and regular meeting, stabilization of member, organization, winning strategy of candidate in election, political insight enlightenment. While the factors that support and hinder the implementation of political education consists of internal and external factors. Internal factors that support include image, figure, and curiosity, while the inhibitor is a source of funds, human resources, knowledge, and pragmatic attitude. External factors that support is religion, while the obstacle is the response of young people in political education.

Key words: Role of Youth, Political Education, Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI)

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