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Research Paper

Year: 2019 | Month: April | Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 117-122

Comparative Study on Measurement of Water Absorption Rate Using Analog and Digital Percolation Meters

I Dewa G.H.Wisana1, Winarko2, Budi Pramono3, Pratiwi Hermiyanti4

11Electromedical Engineering Department, Surabaya Health Polytechnic, Surabaya, Indonesia
2,4 Enviromental Department, Surabaya Health Polytechnic, Surabaya, Indonesia
3Enviromental Department, Jakarta II Health Polytechnic, Jakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: I Dewa G.H.Wisana


A percolation test is a test to determine water absorption rate of soil in preparation of septic drain field (leach field) or infiltration basin for the building. The problem manually percolation is difficult to determine the water level in the test hole because it relies on visual observation and wet-looking tools as a guide in determining water level positions. The new device named Digital Percolation Meter, can be read directly on the monitor screen. Results of the measurement using Digital Percolation Meter was compared with the results of measurement using manual percolation test method. Both measurements were subsequently analyzed using the AUC curve. Testing data delivery time (ON) at different recharge levels was carried out at a depth of 1 inch, 3 inches and 5 inches. During the study the initial sensor was placed at the top. The results on timing were compared to an ordinary stopwatch measurement as the gold standard. The time data submitted showed that the 5 and 3 inch level have shown a 100% sensitivity level, and the 1 inch level has shown a 98% sensitivity. Infrared and photodiode were used for lower water level sensors. Test data on delivery time were completed at different recharge levels conducted at 5 inches, 3 inches and 1 inch levels, The water level sensor was placed at the bottom. The results showed that the 5 inch level has a 98% sensitivity, the 3 inch level has 96% and the 1 inch level has 92% sensitivities.

Key words: Percolation, Soil, absorption time, Water Level

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