International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: January | Volume: 11 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 610-614

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240168

Lexicon Sembur Ethnic Batak Karo: Echolinguistic Theory

Ester Sarumaha1, Herlina2, Asriaty R Purba3

1,2,3University of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia.

Corresponding Author:Ester Sarumaha


This thesis is entitled The Explosive Lexicon sembur ethnic Batak Karo: Ecolinguistic theory. This research aims to describe the types of sembur, the lexicon forms of sembur flora, how to make, how to use and the benefits of the Karo Batak ethnic sembur. Sembur is one of the traditional Karo medicines that is still used in Dokan village. The ingredients are made from plants which are believed to contain good health benefits. The theory used to analyze is the ecolinguistic theory put forward by Einer Haugen in Nuzwaty's book. The method used in the research is a descriptive qualitative method. The results obtained from this research are: 1) there are 3 types of sembur that exist in the Karo community in Dokan village, namely sembur gara, sembur sauk, and sembur urat/tawar, 2) there are 29 flora lexicons as ingredients in making sembur, namely 9 flora lexicons for making sembur gara, 12 flora lexicons for making sembur sauk, and 8 flora lexicons for making sembur urat/tawar

Keywords: Floral lexicon, Sembur, Ecolinguistic theory.

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