International Journal of Research and Review

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Research Paper

Year: 2023 | Month: August | Volume: 10 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 113-118

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20230816

Understanding Logarithmic Concept: How to Develop LOGAMATHICS Media Validity Instruments?

Sephia Rahayu Purnama1, Assa’adatul Kamilah2, Ilyasa Mei Damayanti3, Sekar Wulan Dari4, Ika Santia5

1,2,3,4Prospective Teacher, Department of Mathematics Education, Nusantara PGRI University of Kediri, Indonesia
5Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics Education, Nusantara PGRI University of Kediri, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Ika Santia


Background: Understanding the concept of logarithms is very important. However, in fact, logarithmic learning media in secondary schools in the city of Kediri, Indonesia, is still lacking. Based on this, researchers will develop research related to logarithmic learning media (LOGHAMATHICS). One of the development stages is the development of a validity instrument to measure the validity of LOGAMATHICS. Therefore, this research aims to develop a feasible LOGAMATHICS validation instrument.
Methods: This research is a type of development research that aims to produce products in the form of validation instruments as a means of assessing validity by expert review. This research uses the ADDIE model combined with Tessmer's Formative evaluation. The ADDIE stage consists of analysis, design, and development while Tessmer is only at the expert review stage. The subject of this research was one expert, namely a mathematics education lecturer with doctoral qualifications. In this study, a content validity approach was used to determine valid criteria based on quantitative assessment by expert review. Validation instruments developed refer to the development of learning media. Data analysis in this study used Aiken's assessment score.
Result: The results at the expert review stage for content validation obtained a score of 0.9111 with a high category.
Conclusion: Based on the evaluation results, it shows that the validation instrument has met the valid criteria

Keywords: Validity instrument, LOGAMATHICS learning media, and content validity

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