International Journal of Research and Review

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Research Paper

Year: 2023 | Month: July | Volume: 10 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 878-888

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.202307102

Qur’anist and Scientist: Curriculum Design on Islamic Boarding School at SMA Al-I’tishom Magelang

Anggun Ratna Asih1, Yuli Utanto2, Masrukhan3

1Magister Program, Curriculum Development Student, 2,3Magister Program, Curriculum Development,
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Kota Semarang, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Anggun Ratna Asih


This research was conducted based on the results of interviews and observations of Al-I'tishom High School (SMA), which is a modernization School from its position as Al-I'tishom Islamic Boarding School to become a formal educational institution called Al-I'tishom Boarding School High School. this is to analyze the basic principles in the formulation of the curriculum at SMA Al-I'tishom Boarding School. This method of research used descriptive qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach to reveal more deeply the phenomena of the basic principles in curriculum formulation at SMA Al-I'tishom Boarding School. Data collection techniques are carried out by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. The data source for this research was in the form of primary data obtained from interviews with the Head of the Foundation, the Head of the School, the Head of the Islamic Boarding School, Deputy Head of Curriculum, Alumni and High School Students of Al-I'tishom Boarding School. The research data validity technique used the criteria for the degree of trust (credibility) with the triangulation technique. The results of the study concluded that the basic principles used in the formulation of the curriculum at SMA Al-I'tishom Boarding School are built on several criteria including: a) the formulation of the curriculum at SMA Al-I'tishom has considered the relevance of internal and external aspects. The purpose of establishing SMA Al-I'tishom which started from the concerns of many figures and the needs of the surrounding community has proven that the principle of relevance has been implemented; b) the combination of the two curricula in SMA Al-I'tishom certainly applied a very real principle of flexibility. Not rigid and adaptive to the needs and conditions of the field. Then the main curriculum implementers are educators and the curriculum development team can adjust the priority scale of the curriculum content given to students; c) the consideration of a combination of two curricula with balanced weights implicitly fulfills the principle of continuity. The natural sciences and religious sciences that are taught and expected to be able to continuously provide the basis and provision for Al-I'tishom High School graduates in living life and preparing provisions for the hereafter; d) the efficiency of the strategy for formulating and implementing the curriculum at SMA Al-I'tishom has been detailed in the KOSP document. In the KOSP document, objectives and strategies are stated starting from the short term, medium term, and long term and e) the effectiveness of time management for implementing the curriculum has been pursued. With an institutional autonomy system that implements a pondokitory system, the quality and quantity of curriculum implementation runs effectively, both for students and for educators

Keywords: Boarding School curriculum, Curriculum Development, Qur'an and Science

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