International Journal of Research and Review

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Research Paper

Year: 2023 | Month: April | Volume: 10 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 322-329

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20230440

Development of Primary Education in West Bengal and Tripura: A Comparative Analysis

Sourav Chatterjee

Research Scholar, Department of Education, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University), Bilaspur, Koni, C.G - 495009


Primary education or basic education denotes education from class- I to class- V level of education. It is to be treated as the base of future education of the children. Students’ progress or success in their future life fully depends upon their primary education. According to eminent educationist Amartya Sen, “first and most immediate contribution of successful primary education is a direct reduction of one form of deep rooted insecurity. Second, basic education can be very important in helping people to get jobs and gainful employment.” The present study has been conducted to compare the development of primary education in West Bengal and Tripura. The data were collected from udise.in website. The data were analyzed critically with logical approach considering various factors that influenced the primary education system of West Bengal and Tripura. The findings of the study revealed that though the total number of only primary schools in West Bengal was greater than Tripura but the trained of enrollment in Tripura was better than West Bengal. Tripura had better position regarding average instructional days concern except 2014-15 session. Muslims and Schedule caste students’ enrollment was much better in West Bengal than Tripura. But, Schedule Tribe students’ enrollment was better in Tripura than West Bengal. Number of composite EDI in West Bengal was also greater than Tripura. But, drop-out rate, pupil-teacher ratio, student-classroom ratio were also matter of concern in West Bengal comparing to Tripura.

Keywords: Primary education, West Bengal, Tripura, enrollment, Composite EDI.

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