International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2023 | Month: November | Volume: 10 | Issue: 11 | Pages: 465-474

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20231154

Production Test of Several Types of Lettuce on Various Planting Media with a Hydroponic System

Muhammad Wasito1, Hanifah Amrul2, Luthfy Wahyu Ajie3

1,2,3Department of Agrotechnology, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi, Indonesia.

Corresponding Author:Muhammad Wasito


One of the most important factors that can affect the increase in lettuce productivity is hydroponic cultivation techniques. Hydroponic cultivation techniques can provide a more controlled growth environment. This study aims to determine the effect of several growing media and types of lettuce in a hydroponic system on the growth and production potential of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and its interactions. This research method used a factorial randomized block design (RBD) with 2 factors and 9 treatment combinations. The factors studied were planting media treatment factors with the symbol "M" which consisted of 3 levels, namely M1 = Cow Manure (Cow Manure Granola Fertilizer), M2 = cocopeat, and M3 = husk charcoal. The second factor was the type of lettuce with the symbol "(S)" consisting of 3 levels, namely S1 = romaine lettuce, S2 = siomak lettuce, and S3 = curly lettuce. Parameters measured in this study were plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter 2.3 and 4 weeks after planting, root length, crown fresh weight, and plant root weight. The results showed that the application of several planting media had a very significant effect on all parameters. The use of several types of lettuce has a very significant effect on all parameters. The interaction of several planting media and several types of lettuce in the hydroponic system on growth and production had no significant effect on all observation parameters.

Keywords: Lettuce, Growing Media, Hydroponics .

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