International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2023 | Month: October | Volume: 10 | Issue: 10 | Pages: 182-191

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20231024

The Media Spedatua of Human Circulatory System Based on Articulate Storyline to Improve Primary School Science Learning Outcomes

Elsa Arni Rahmadhani1, Putut Marwoto2, Sri Wardani3

1,2,3Department of Basic Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Elsa Arni Rahmadhani


Problems found in pre-research at SDN Cangkiran 02 were the lack of use of technology-based learning media and less than optimal learning outcomes focusing on science learning. The research problem formulation is how to develop feasibility and improve student learning outcomes after using storyline-based Spedatua media that conveys material on the human body's circulatory system. This development research aims to develop learning media to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of articulate storyline-based Spedatua media. The research was conducted using the R&D (Research and Development) research model in Sugiono, which includes 10 stages, namely: (1) potential and problems; (2) data collection; (3) product design; (4) design validation; (5) design revision; (6) product testing (7) product revision; (8) trial use; (9) product revision; (10) producing products. The research aims to determine the results of the development and effectiveness of articulate storyline-based Spedatua media. The research results show that the articulate storyline-based Spedatua media is a learning media that can be used in material on the human body's circulatory system in science learning for class V elementary school. The articulate storyline-based Spedatua media was developed by looking at feasibility assessments by material, media, and language experts according to feasible criteria. The material suitability percentage was 91.6% with very feasible criteria, the media suitability percentage was 89% with very feasible criteria, and the language suitability percentage was 86.6% with very feasible criteria. The t-test results after using the articulate storyline-based Spedatua media showed differences in the average pretest and posttest scores. They have increased student learning outcomes by 33.2%. Meanwhile, the n-gain test results on the pretest - posttest showed that the average difference in learning outcomes was 0.638 in the medium criteria. So, there was an increase in learning outcomes before and after using the articulate storyline-based Spedatua media.

Keywords: Spedatua, Learning Media, Science, Articulate Storyline.

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