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Research Paper

Year: 2018 | Month: July | Volume: 5 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 42-45

Exploring Textbooks: Integrating Character Values a Content Analysis

Siti Saidah1, Prof. Darmiyati Zuchdi2

1Graduate Student Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
2Lecturer of Yogyakarta State University Indonesia

Corresponding Author:  Siti Saidah


This study aimed to describe the values of character contents and methods used for integrating character values in Indonesian Language textbooks. This study was conducted using inferential content analysis research. The data sources are three books of Indonesian. The result shows that the content of character values in the Indonesian textbook consists of five categories of values that is the relations between beings and God, themselves, others, environment, and nation. The five categories of values are not evenly distributed in each chapter because each chapter has a different character's appearance theme. Percentage of the appearance of human character value in relation to God 2.19%, with self 64, 93%, with fellow 28,77%, environment 3,15%, and nation 4,11%. The method used by authors in integrating character values consists of 2 traditional methods and contemporary methods. Traditional methods used are inculcating values and modeling values. While contemporary methods used to integrate the value of character are the facilitating values and skill for value development of social and academic. Both methods are the synthesis of a comprehensive approach. A comprehensive approach is a necessary multistage in today's conditions

Key words: Character values, Indonesia Language Textbooks.

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