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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: July | Volume: 4 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 47-55

Community Perception towards Solid Waste Management in NCT of Delhi, India

Ashwani Kumar1, Subhash Anand2

1Assistant Professor (Extension Basis), PNRS Govt. College, Rohtak,  Haryana, India.
2Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Delhi, Delhi -110007, India.

Corresponding Author: Ashwani Kumar


Solid waste generated by domestic, commercial and industrial activities is often indiscriminately disposed off and its unscientific management leads to serious environmental problems. One of the important challenges posed by rapid urbanization is management of waste generated by ever increasing population. Community participation has a direct bearing on effective municipal solid waste management. Investigation on community attitude, perception and willingness towards solid waste management was carried out in the NCT of Delhi. The collection of households data was on the basis of the field survey through personal interviews conducted using the tools of enquiry like structured questionnaire and field observations. It was observed through the field survey, that maximum 60 per cent of the respondents had expressed that they were ready to participate in different capacities. It included both physically and financially participation for the better management, 98 per cent households are preferred daily collection and 81per cent of the households are preferred to segregate the waste into different bins. The majority of the households about 78 per cent are willing to use the recyclable products which they were using to carry vegetables, grains etc. from whole shop/markets, as they have aware about reduce, recycle, refuse and reuse (4R’s). Greater level of community engagement in reduction of waste at the source through campaigns in a scientific manner is needed.

Key words: Community, Perception, SWM, Reduce, Recycle, Refuse and Reuse

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