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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: July | Volume: 4 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 24-29

Panorama of Soft Tissue Tumors at Tertiary Care Centre in Navi Mumbai

Dr.Prabhakar Patro1, Dr. Evith Pereira2, Dr. Asmita Desai2, Dr. Kalyani Mahore2, Dr. Reeta Dhar3, Dr. Toshita Jain4

1Associate Professor, 2Resident, 3Professor and HOD,
Department of Pathology, MGM Medical College, Navi Mumbai.
4Intern, MGM Medical College, Navi Mumbai.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Evith Pereira


Introduction: Soft tissue tumors are nonepithelial extra skeletal heterogenous group of tumors which are classified on histogenetic basis according to adult tissue they resemble.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was undertaken in the department of Pathology MGM Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai over a period of one year from January 2015 to December 2016 which included a total of 585 cases.
Result: Total number of cases of soft tissue tumors during the period of study was 585, of which 579 cases (98.98%) were benign, 3 cases (0.51%) of intermediate type and malignant type each with adipocytic tumors (71.5%) being the predominant benign soft tissue tumors followed by smooth muscle tumors.
Conclusion: The diagnosis and management of soft tissue tumors require a team perspective. Availability of a modern, more logical histopathologic classification and standard nomenclature now offers a better clinico-pathological co-relation. The clinico-pathological evaluation being the gold standard in the diagnosis of soft tissue tumors.

Key words: Soft tissue tumors, Benign, Malignant, Histopathology

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