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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: May | Volume: 4 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 157-160

Morphometric Study of Foramen Magnum of Human Skull in Vidarbha Region

Dr Kulesh S Chandekar1, Dr Niwrutti N Jiwane2

1Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College Chandrapur.
2Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College Chandrapur.

Corresponding Author: Dr Kulesh S Chandekar


Foramen magnum of 80 skulls of knowns sex from vidarbha region were studied for morphometric parameters, by using vernier caliper transverse and antero-posterior diameter of foramen magnum were measured. P- value for significance was calculated by all measurement followed by paired “t ‘ test and descriptive statistics in SPSS version. The mean antero-posterior diameter in female 31.5mm is lesser than mean antero-posterior diameter in male 36.23mm. Also transverse diameter in female is lesser than male. P- value for both antero-posterior and transverse diameter is significant. Hence study help in identification of unknown sex, depending on dimensions of foramen magnum. Prospective study will help surgeon for reference value for determing feasibility of transcondylar surgical approach, which are being increasing trend in recent time for brain stem lesion.

Key words: foramen magnum, sexual dimorphism, foramen magnum index, diameter.

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