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Review Article

Year: 2016 | Month: September | Volume: 3 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 21-29

Information and Communication Technology (ICT): A Veritable Tool for Executing Secretarial Tasks

Muhammad Yahaya Musa

University Tun Hussein ONN Malaysia, Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education (F.P.T.V).


This paper looks at information and communication Technology (ICT) as a tool the secretaries use in executing their tasks for achieving success at work, the paper discussed the duties of the secretary, the secretary as office manager as well as how the secretary could succeed in managing the available office technology facilities. The paper concludes that for effective and efficient management of office technology facilities, the secretary requires continuous learning, acquisition of new working skills, knowledge and experience which is ever changing in these technologically implied offices. At the end the paper made some recommendations to the secretaries.

Keywords: The Secretary, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Tool.

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