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Review Article

Year: 2016 | Month: August | Volume: 3 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 1-8

Panchakarma Chikitsa in Stree Roga

G. M. Kavya1, Sushila Sharma2

1Ph.D. Scholar, 2Associate Professor & HOD,
P.G. Department of Prasuti Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur-302002. India.

Corresponding Author: G. M. Kavya


A healthy woman can make healthy family and ultimately a healthy nation. Healthy state of women is very much needed for the society, it growth and prosparity. Ayurveda one of the world’s oldest system of health, gives a detail description of stree roga vyadhies. The fundamental principle followed here in treating these diseases affecting female genital tract is directing towards Panchakarma chikitsa. The purificatory measures to be followed for the purpose of detoxification of the body itself are shodhana karma. It is the prime factor of the Panchakarma chikitsa. For all most all diseases of the female genital tract, treatment modality starts from shodhana karma. So for women to be healthy, undergoing the shodhana karma according to the season is very much needed for the prevention of these diseases.
Here an attempt is made for the conceptual study and analyzing of complete diseases of Stree roga. All the classical references regarding chikitsa of the same were collected and analyzed. Study of all these chikitsa sutra found beneficial. All of them are directing towards single base line treatment of Panchakarma chikitsa. The vamanadi shodhana karma can only make the women free from these diseases. The conceptual study of these treatment modality also gives the hint towards preventing the same diseases by following Shodhana karma according to the season every year.

Key words: Ayurveda, Panchakarma chikitsa, Stree roga.

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