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Review Article

Year: 2016 | Month: January | Volume: 3 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 90-99

Evaluation Molecular in Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma: A Review

Letícia de Oliveira1, Matias NunesFrizzo2

1Acadêmica do 8º semestre do curso de Biomedicina no Instituto Cenecista de Ensino Superior Santo Ângelo.
2Doutor em Biologia Molecular, Professor do Curso de Biomedicina no Instituto Cenecista de Ensino Superior Santo Ângelo-IESA.

Corresponding Author: Matias NunesFrizzo


Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) is considered rare, representing from 3% to 10% of cases of malignant tumors. This can occur in sporadic (75% of cases) or family (25% of cases). MTC may present as a multiple endocrine neoplasia type II (MEN II - Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Type II), characterized as a hereditary tumoral syndrome presenting as precursor lesion hyperplasia cells of C. It is considered a very aggressive tumor , and its aggressiveness correlated with mutation of the RET gene that is directly linked to regulation of cell growth as well as other molecular markers such as miRNAs, small non-coding RNAs, which are associated with regulation of gene expression. Thus, this study aims to analyze and evaluate aspects of diagnosis, prognosis and treatment attached to them. The study was conducted through an extensive review of the literature investigating the most recent studies that address this issue. Several numerous molecular markers are associated with tumor development, aggressiveness and resistance to treatment, including the latest markers miRNAs, which, are up-expressed or down-expression in tumor cells and is associated with miRNAs directly to cell growth factors. The outlooks from these new markers are that they can be used for the development of new diagnostic tests and for the development of targeted therapies to tumors presenting high efficiency providing a new treatment option.

Keywords: Medullary Thyroid Cancer, miRNAs, diagnosis, treatment.

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